Institutional Change and Sustainability: Lessons Learned from MSPs
This paper addresses the following claim(s):"From the outset, one of the overarching goals of the CASH project was to "catch colleges and universities when they were doing something right," and to identify both intermediate and conclusive indicators that suggest or demonstrate how colleges and universities can successfully engage in change activities that strengthen their support of K-12 mathematics and science education and teacher preparation. Thus, some of the global questions that guided this work were the following:
- How do we identify key indicators of institutional change across different types of institutions, and what documentation can we provide to demonstrate the presence of these factors and evaluate these factors in a given context?
- What tools and instruments already exist to evaluate and recognize institutional change in higher education? In what ways are the tools and instruments being used? What new tools or instruments should be developed?
- Where do we see examples of sustainable P-20 partnerships and cultures of organizational support, and what can we learn from them? Where are there good examples from other kinds of organizations that might offer some insight into change in P-20 education?
- What can we learn about the contexts that make sustainable and intentional change possible in higher education? Where do gaps exist across different contexts and higher education cultures?
- What changes that have been supported by MSPs have made a difference in creating institutional conditions and capacity in higher education to support the reform of science
and mathematics education and the meaningful engagement of faculty in this enterprise? How can we evaluate these changes?
- How can institutions of higher education provide incentives and rewards to stimulate and motivate faculty so that creative teaching and pedagogical scholarship becomes part of faculty culture?"
Copyright © 2010 by Jennifer Frank and Nancy Shapiro.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.