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About Us

MSPnet is created, designed and facilitated by the Center for School Reform at TERC, a private, non-profit, research and development institution located in Cambridge MA. MSPnet provides nested, interactive learning communities for NSF's Math Science Partnership Project. MSPnet is funded by the National Science Foundation #1240555.

Opinions expressed on the site do not necessarily reflect those of TERC or those of the National Science Foundation. The site encourages expression of divergent views and the sharing of both successes and challenges in order to create a community of learners who will collectively be enriched by the experiences of individual MSPs throughout the country.

TERC staff are engaged in site development, community facilitation, content knowledgement, and research on electronic communities. We invite users of the site to contact us and to send feedback.
TERC staff involved in this effort include:
photo of Joni Falk Joni Falk
Principal Investigator
photo of Brian Drayton Brian Drayton
Co- Prinicipal Investigator
Kimberly Descoteaux
Content Manager & Tech Support
Kathryn Hobbs
Site Documentation
Jon Obuchowski
Sr. Programmer
Quang Le
Sr. Programmer
TERC, Inc.
2067 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 873-9600