International Teacher Policy Study - Country Briefs
"To prepare students for an evolving and increasingly interconnected world, a growing number of countries have remodeled their education systems to deliver an education built for the 21st century, producing higher achievement and greater equity than the U.S.Researchers investigated seven jurisdictions across four continents. Their findings reveal that high achieving countries have long-term strategies to build effective systems and that a key component of the strategies is a sustained commitment to professionalizing teaching as a career. The following five country briefs summarize the teacher strategies in each of the high-performing countries:
Australia: Toward a National System - Describes Australia's strategy for building a comprehensive policy for developing teacher capacity, a key lever for improving system performance and equity.
Canada: Diversity and Decentralization - Describes some of the features of the Alberta and Ontario systems that develop, strengthen, and support teacher quality and build teacher capacity for providing strong instruction.
Finland: Constructing Teacher Quality - This brief examines Finland's policies and practices that strengthen teacher preparation, build a highly-effective teacher workforce, and produce strong and equitable levels of student performance.
Shanghai: Culture, Policy, and Practice - Describes the Shanghai education system, shows how teachers are regarded, and describes how the government invests its resources, structures schools, and supports, develops, and rewards this important workforce.
Singapore: A Teaching Model for the 21st Century - Describes how the Singapore education system, an international leader in education, is structured to produce well-trained teachers and high-quality teaching."
• Key Policies for Professionalizing Teaching as a Career
• Developing Shanghai's Teachers
• Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems
For details on the study and a full listing of publications and videos produced by the study: