Critical Components of Inclusive STEM-focused High Schools: A Cross Case Analysis Curriculum and Instruction
"This paper is part of a larger study called Multiple Instrumental Case Studies of Inclusive STEM-Focused High Schools: Opportunity Structures for Preparation and Inspiration (OSPrI) which explores the characteristics of a set of eight exemplary inclusive STEM-focused high schools (ISHS) across the United States. The intent of the OSPrI study is to develop rich, descriptive case studies of each ISHS under study, leading to an evidence base for identifying the critical components (described further in Table 1) of these schools (Lynch et al., 2012). The study also includes cross-case analyses to highlight the commonalities and explore the differences in these components across the ISHSs (Stake, 2006; Yin, 2003). Through this work, OSPrI aims to build an initial common theory of action for ISHSs (Chatterji, 2002), despite the many different ISHS models (Lynch et al., 2012). The study also acknowledges that the evidence may lead to multiple interpretations of school models.Here, we present the findings from a cross-case analysis of the eight schools visited by the OSPrI research team: Manor New Tech High School (MNTH), Wayne School of Engineering (WSE), Denver School of Science and Technology: Stapleton High School (DSST), and Gary and Jerri-Ann Jacobs High Tech High (GJJ-HTH), Metro High School (Metro), Urban Science Academy (USA), Dozier-Libby Medical High School, (DLHS), and Chicago High School for the Agricultural Science (CHSAS)."
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