Supporting Teacher Professionalism: Insights from TALIS 2013
"This report examines the nature and extent of support for teacher professionalism using the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013, a survey of teachers and principals in 34 countries and economies around the world, with data collected from an additional 4 systems after the original data collection, making a total of 38. Teacher professionalism is conceptualised here as a composite of three domains: 1) a knowledge base, which includes necessary knowledge for teaching (including pre-service and in-service training); 2) autonomy, which is defined as teachers decision making over aspects related to their work; and 3) peer networks, which provide opportunities for information exchange and support needed to maintain high standards of teaching. It then measures the extent of teacher professionalism in an education system by calculating the average number of best practices that teachers benefit from across TALIS countries and economies."