What the MSPs have learned about Institutional Change and Sustainability: A dynamically generated bibliography of MSP authored papers
A primary goal of the MSP program is to establish workable methods for change and sustainability within institutions. Below you will find a dynamically generated bibliography of papers relating to institutional change and sustainability, drawn from papers authored by the MSPs, which you can view with or without abstracts. This will automatically update as new papers are added to the MSpnet library. We invite you use this list as you contribute to the literature on institutional change and sustainability.60 documents as of 07/22/2019
The case studies are intended to study the effects of SCALE on district policy and organization, especially instructional guidance. (See Appendix A. for description of the SCALE research and evaluation). This is an area "downstream" from the focus of the Building a Partnership (BP) team, which examines partnership dynamics and the formation of partnership initiatives. And it is "upstream" from the focus of targeted studies and indicators, which examine outcomes of SCALE interventions on instruction and student achievement. Like BP, the case studies use mainly qualitative methods in tracking organizational change and dynamics, but like targeted studies and indicators, they are mainly concerned with effects inside the partner school districts."
The paper and its accompanying slides are both available in PDF format. Click on the file links above.
This paper describes the partnership, the common theory of action, evaluative criteria derived from the theory, implementation in each district, and the effectiveness of the reforms measured against the theory of action. The paper concludes by suggesting models for effective district policy in other districts.
"(a) provide guidance for evaluation planning and evaluation activities to NSF's MSP projects and other projects, and to groups submitting proposals to NSF programs;
(b) have a consistent framework by which to assess project-level evaluation; and
(c) develop a document about project-level evaluation, grounded in the expertise and experience of the scholarly community having that expertise."
..."This document includes the following major sections:
(a) A statement about high quality evidence of project effectiveness and efficiency.
(b) A description of the DIO [Design-Implementation-Outcomes] Cycle of Evidence as a guiding framework for planning, gathering, and using evidence.
(c) The relationship of the DIO Cycle of Evidence to other frameworks used in evaluating projects.
(d) The role of context in establishing evidence of project effectiveness.
(e) Resources to help projects learn more about planning, gathering, and using evidence.
(f) A glossary of terms and abbreviations used throughout this document. (g) Appendices that contain supplemental resources."
"The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its second national impact report for the NSF Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program, which was established in 2002 to integrate the work of higher education with K-12 to strengthen and reform mathematics and science education. The document identifies progress on improving teacher quality, quantity and diversity; developing challenging courses and curricula; emphasizing evidence-based design and outcomes; and promoting institutional change. The report highlights examples of partnerships at all levels of education in communities across the country, and includes examples of positive impacts for students and benefits of professional development for teachers." Related Document: MSP Impact Report, Jan. 2007
One major response to these demands is the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math Science Partnerships (MSP) program, which has provided $600 million for institutions to create and sustain partnerships between K-12 and higher education to improve STEM teaching and learning in both K-12 and higher education. Symposium presenters include two STEM faculty involved in MSPs, a policy scholar involved in research on alignment and teacher preparation, and a researcher with the NSF-funded Change and Sustainability in Higher Education (CASHE) project (National Science Foundation, 2005).
Objectives Presenters will share experiences and research on advances in policy and practice resulting from the NSF MSP initiative, including the challenges of defining and maintaining partnerships across distinct educational sectors; the roles involved in creating and sustaining curricular changes that align with local, state, and disciplinary standards; the nature of university reward systems, and the challenges of managing partnerships for change within and across different types of IHEs.
- Decentralized operations within large school districts and inadequate resources in small districts have led to the fragmentation of PD.
- PD often is expensive, but there are few tools to document its cost and yield.
- PD is not linked to teacher evaluation or ongoing policies of accountability for student performance.
- Section III discusses PD that focuses on improving the effectiveness of individual teachers.
- Section IV discusses PD that focuses on building school capacity to identify and solve problems of teaching and learning.
- Section V discusses PD that focuses on supporting the implementation of curricula, assessments, and other programs adopted by the district."
This paper addresses these issues by integrating cultural model theory from cognitive anthropology into an evaluation design, in order to understand the specific constituent elements of the social and cultural context of teaching, and how they shape the tacit understandings of IHE faculty or K-12 teachers. The research described here is based on an exploratory analysis of the National Science Foundation-funded System-Wide Change for All Learners (SCALE) project's activities at a West Coast comprehensive university between 2004 and 2007. This project is part of the NSF Math & Science Partnership program."
These reports examine the extent of tracking in the 30 high schools that are part of PROM/SE. These schools represent over 14,000 seniors from nearly 18 districts. The reports reveal startling facts:
1) PROM/SE districts offer an incredibly large number of distinct high school math and science course titles and there is substantial variation across districts. For math, the number of courses offered by districts varied from 10 to 58. For science, the number varied from 7 to 55.
2) Analysis of the 14,000 students' course selections and the order in which they took these courses showed the number of sequences varies appreciably by district. For math, there were over 200 distinct course math sequences in some districts while in others there were less than 30. Most districts had closer to 60 sequences. For science, sequences ranged from over 100 to less than 30, with most districts closer to 50.
3) Though there are not overt curricular tracks, the large number and types of math and science courses offered implies that many students are encountering wildly discrepant learning opportunities within and across districts.
These issues and past issues of the PROM/SE Research Report are available for downloading from www.promse.msu.edu in the "research and results" section.
These reports examine the extent of tracking in the 30 high schools that are part of PROM/SE. These schools represent over 14,000 seniors from nearly 18 districts. The reports reveal startling facts:
1) PROM/SE districts offer an incredibly large number of distinct high school math and science course titles and there is substantial variation across districts. For math, the number of courses offered by districts varied from 10 to 58. For science, the number varied from 7 to 55.
2) Analysis of the 14,000 students' course selections and the order in which they took these courses showed the number of sequences varies appreciably by district. For math, there were over 200 distinct course math sequences in some districts while in others there were less than 30. Most districts had closer to 60 sequences. For science, sequences ranged from over 100 to less than 30, with most districts closer to 50.
3) Though there are not overt curricular tracks, the large number and types of math and science courses offered implies that many students are encountering wildly discrepant learning opportunities within and across districts.
These issues and past issues of the PROM/SE Research Report are available for downloading from www.promse.msu.edu in the "research and results" section.
This study examines the variation in reported science content coverage among 53 PROM/SE districts in Michigan and Ohio. Variation is also described among schools within participating districts and among classrooms within the same school. Data point to extensive variation in the amount of time allocated to science instruction at district, school, and classroom levels across elementary and middle grades. In a subset of 5 adjacent school districts, striking variation is noted in the coverage of topics addressed when compared to the science curriculum of high achieving TIMSS countries. Similarly notable variability is found in the number of instructional days devoted to science topics in schools within the same district and in classrooms within the same school. Findings reflect the importance of instructional leadership at all levels of the educational system to ensure that district intentions and school-level implementation are aligned in promoting coherent and consistent enactment of rigorous standards. The need for strong instructional leadership by district superintendents as well as building principals is discussed in detail.
This issue and past issues of The PROM/SE Research Report are available for downloading from www.promse.msu.edu in the "research and results" section
- What methods (i.e., strategies, practices, and policies) are being used by the projects to engage STEM faculty in their activities, and how do these differ by type of institution of higher education (IHE)?
- What levels of involvement are garnered by various methods at different types of IHEs?
- To what extent does STEM faculty involvement contribute to increases in K-12 teacher content and pedagogical knowledge?
- To what extent does STEM faculty involvement contribute to student achievement?
- What are the policy implications for engaging STEM faculty?
- How does faculty involvement evolve, and does it appear to have the ability to be sustained?