MSP Papers on Challenging Courses and Curricula: A dynamically generated bibliography of MSP authored papers
Many MSP projects are focused on developing challenging courses and curricula. Below you will find a dynamically generated bibliography on the topic of challenging curricula, drawn from papers authored by the MSPs, which you can view with or without abstracts. This will automatically update as new papers are added to the MSpnet library. We invite you use this list as you contribute to the literature on challenging courses and curricula.60 documents as of 07/22/2019
Generation Science Standards (NGSS), curricula aligned with these standards
are in demand. Progression models provide a foundation for developing
curricular units that sequentially support one another to guide students
through coherent learning. Various models are possible for a given set of
standards. The selected model must address the unique conditions and needs
of the education initiative. Here we present and explain a progression model
and bundling of the 59 performance expectations for the NGSS middle-school
grade band. This model, the Unit Challenge Progression Model, provides the
basis for developing units that engage students in addressing challenges of
societal relevance while learning and applying content and practices from
multiple STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines
in a coherent progression. Preliminary results from pilot testing of curricular
units indicates that the bundling of performance expectations presented
here, and the incorporation of supporting subcomponents of performance
expectations, help to achieve integration of STEM disciplines while allowing
for learning of STEM content within units. This progression model continues
to be refined as additional curricular units are pilot-tested in schools.
"The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its second national impact report for the NSF Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program, which was established in 2002 to integrate the work of higher education with K-12 to strengthen and reform mathematics and science education. The document identifies progress on improving teacher quality, quantity and diversity; developing challenging courses and curricula; emphasizing evidence-based design and outcomes; and promoting institutional change. The report highlights examples of partnerships at all levels of education in communities across the country, and includes examples of positive impacts for students and benefits of professional development for teachers." Related Document: MSP Impact Report, Jan. 2007
One major response to these demands is the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math Science Partnerships (MSP) program, which has provided $600 million for institutions to create and sustain partnerships between K-12 and higher education to improve STEM teaching and learning in both K-12 and higher education. Symposium presenters include two STEM faculty involved in MSPs, a policy scholar involved in research on alignment and teacher preparation, and a researcher with the NSF-funded Change and Sustainability in Higher Education (CASHE) project (National Science Foundation, 2005).
Objectives Presenters will share experiences and research on advances in policy and practice resulting from the NSF MSP initiative, including the challenges of defining and maintaining partnerships across distinct educational sectors; the roles involved in creating and sustaining curricular changes that align with local, state, and disciplinary standards; the nature of university reward systems, and the challenges of managing partnerships for change within and across different types of IHEs.
Study Design. The study focused specifically on the "learning communities" professional development series that was implemented in the final year of the NJ MSP initiative, from July 2005 to May 2006. Purposes of the study were to (1) describe the design rationale, goals, and objectives of the ECE component; (2) describe the level of district participation in the ECE professional development series and the characteristics of participating districts; (3) describe the implementation structure of the professional development series; (4) provide evidence on the ways in which NJ MSP met its ECE professional development objectives for improving teachers' knowledge of the exploration of math and science content, improving teachers' dispositions towards math and science, and equipping teachers with strategies to assess and support the translation of science content into the learning environment; and (5) offer lessons learned from the NJ MSP ECE component that may serve to inform other initiatives that seek to build teachers' capacity to translate math and science concepts into preK learning environments.
Because of a growing need among researchers to study changes in the mathematical quality of teachers' practice, we argue for an observation-based instrument that can quantify the quality of the mathematics in instruction. ...
This technical report is intended mainly for potential users of the instrument, to introduce this audience to our theoretical foundation, codes, and procedures. We begin with a review of past and contemporary uses of observation to understand teachers' knowledge, including a description of our needs in this arena. We discuss our specific codes and coding protocol, the development of our instrument, and suggest some directions for analysis. We review our early findings, then consider issues related to the adoption and use of this instrument in different locations."
The Coding Instrument is available online:
MSPnet members are invited to post their comments in the MSPnet Forum working group discussion on Moving Toward a Common Definition of Challenging Courses and Curricula.
This study examines the variation in reported science content coverage among 53 PROM/SE districts in Michigan and Ohio. Variation is also described among schools within participating districts and among classrooms within the same school. Data point to extensive variation in the amount of time allocated to science instruction at district, school, and classroom levels across elementary and middle grades. In a subset of 5 adjacent school districts, striking variation is noted in the coverage of topics addressed when compared to the science curriculum of high achieving TIMSS countries. Similarly notable variability is found in the number of instructional days devoted to science topics in schools within the same district and in classrooms within the same school. Findings reflect the importance of instructional leadership at all levels of the educational system to ensure that district intentions and school-level implementation are aligned in promoting coherent and consistent enactment of rigorous standards. The need for strong instructional leadership by district superintendents as well as building principals is discussed in detail.
This issue and past issues of The PROM/SE Research Report are available for downloading from in the "research and results" section
introduced gradually to secondary students allowing them to visualize complex topics and gather data in the different scientific fields. In this study, students from four rural high schools used computational tools to investigate attributes of the ingredients that might cause fluorescence in energy drinks. In the activity, students used the computational tools of WebMO to model several ingredients in energy drinks and gather data on them, such as molecular geometry and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra (UV-Vis spectra). Using the data they collected, students analyzed and compared their ingredient molecules and then compared them to molecules that are known to fluoresce to determine any patterns. After students participated in this activity, data from testing suggest they were more aware of fluorescence, but not more aware of how to read an UV-Vis spectrum.
preexisting beliefs and attitudes about what constitute effective methods for science teaching and learning (Banilower, Trygstad, and Smith, 2015; Trygstad, Smith, Banilower, and Nelson, 2013). The Framework and NGSS describe a vision for science education in which students will primarily learn science concepts by engaging in SEPs. Students are to generate and interpret evidence and develop explanations through sustained investigations, all while increasing their
capacity to direct all aspects of the process over time (National Research Council, 2012). This contrasts with the current state of science education in many classrooms, in which students primarily learn concepts through direct instruction with occasional reinforcement through engagement in SEPs (Banilower et al., 2015). According to results from the 2012 National Survey of Mathematics and Science Education (Banilower et al., 2013), around 60% of teachers believe that hands-on experimentation should reinforce concepts students have already learned, 40-50% of teachers believe that they should explain a concept to students before the students consider evidence related to the concept, and 90% of teachers believe that
vocabulary should come before conceptual understanding. Interventions to support teachers in adopting NGSS-aligned standards will need to take into account that many educators' beliefs may not align with the notion of consistently teaching science content through SEPs, as envisioned by authors of the Framework and NGSS.
"In response to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), Systems for State Science Assessment explores the ideas and tools that are needed to assess science learning at the state level. This book provides a detailed examination of K-12 science assessment: looking specifically at what should be measured and how to measure it.
Along with reading and mathematics, the testing of science is a key component of NCLB it is part of the national effort to establish challenging academic content standards and develop the tools to measure student progress toward higher achievement. The book will be a critical resource for states that are designing and implementing science assessments to meet the 2007-2008 requirements of NCLB.
In addition to offering important information for states, Systems for State Science Assessment provides policy makers, local schools, teachers, scientists, and parents with a broad view of the role of testing and assessment in science education."
This paper describes elements of undergraduate computational science education. This is the 'bible' in the emerging field of computational science and engineering. --Osman Yassar
"The multidisciplinary nature of computational science and engineering (CSE) and its relation to other disciplines is described. The stages through which CSE education is evolving, from initial recognition in the 1980s to present growth, are discussed. The challenges and benefits of different approaches to CSE education are discussed, as is the emergence of a set of core elements common to different approaches. The content of courses, curricula, and degrees ordered in CSE are reviewed, and a survey is made of all undergraduate degree programs. The curricula of different programs are examined for the common "tool set" they define and analyzed for their relative weighting of computing, application, and mathematics. A trend toward a standard curriculum is noted."
laws using mathematical, computational, and
visualization tools. It reflects the experience of 9th grade students in a math and science competition. The project and its paper received First Place and Best Paper awards.