MSP Papers on Teacher Quality, Quantity, and Diversity: A dynamically generated bibliography of MSP authored papers
A primary strand of the work of the Math Science Partnerships is Teacher Quality, Quantity and Diversity. Many MSPs have written papers addressing this concern. Below you will find a dynamically generated bibliography drawn from papers authored by the MSPs, which you can view with or without abstracts. This will automatically update as new papers are added to the MSpnet library. We invite you use this list as you contribute to the literature on teacher quality, quantity, and diversity.122 documents as of 07/22/2019
This paper recognizes this potential bias and provides a method for correcting the non-random selection into the program. The correction offered in this paper is complicated by the fact that teaching effectiveness can be measured only partially with observable factors. By estimating the contribution of unobservable factors on a teacher's own past effectiveness, we find that this particular program, through targeting poor performing districts, succeeded in attracting the weakest teachers into the professional development activities. Controlling for this, the professional development program shows positive effects. This paper provides a road map for future evaluations not only of this program but other teacher professional development training programs in which selection of teachers is likely to be non-random and often based on unobservable teacher effectiveness. Only with evaluation replication for a variety of programs can policy advice about designing future professional development be offered.
NOTE: This resource is published on the Evaluation Review web site. The link above will take you to an abstract page. To view the full-text for this article, you will need to either sign-in to Evaluation Review with the appropriate membership or purchase this article.
Key findings of the CCSSO cross-state analysis are: One-third of the evaluation studies reported measurable effects on improved student outcomes, increased teacher knowledge or change in instructional practices.
Three key program design characteristics in effective programs are: a) Focus on subject content and pedagogical knowledge, b) In-school follow-up and technical assistance with teachers, and c) Coherence of professional development with standards and curriculum.
Evaluations showing measurable effects used scientific study designs, included treatment and control groups of teachers, and used well-tested instruments.
The paper provides recommendations in key areas for state action based on the findings analysis."
"The research and evaluation theme of this proposal from the Mathematical ACTS MSP project at the University of California-Riverside is evidence-based design for facilitating teacher change. Using the project's logic model this paper will begin with an overview of its activities, intended outcomes, and evaluation design. The remainder of the paper will focus on the development, training and administration, and results from an observation instrument used to assess the classroom practices of teachers who participated in Mathematical ACTS professional development and follow-up support over the previous school year, as well as the practices of comparison group teachers. The role of this assessment in the project's evidence-based design will also be explained.
Specifically, the paper will describe: the project's decision to create an observation instrument rather than use one of several existing instruments, the collaborative development process involving core team members, training of observers, procedures for establishing inter-rater reliability, the use of the instrument, analyses conducted and lessons learned for this pilot year.
Preliminary findings from the observations will compare Mathematical ACTS participants and non-participants. Interpretation of these findings will be discussed, along with anticipated further analyses. The paper will conclude with a discussion of issues and challenges, plans for observations to be conducted in the 2005-06 school year, and commentary on this assessment's role in providing evidence for the effectiveness of Mathematical-ACTS."
We present the impact of theses inquiry-based science curricula on:
1) Participants' content knowledge in science,
2) Participants' understanding and attitudes about inquiry-based science teaching and learning, and
3) Participants' understanding of their learning process (metacognition)."
"The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its second national impact report for the NSF Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program, which was established in 2002 to integrate the work of higher education with K-12 to strengthen and reform mathematics and science education. The document identifies progress on improving teacher quality, quantity and diversity; developing challenging courses and curricula; emphasizing evidence-based design and outcomes; and promoting institutional change. The report highlights examples of partnerships at all levels of education in communities across the country, and includes examples of positive impacts for students and benefits of professional development for teachers." Related Document: MSP Impact Report, Jan. 2007
- Decentralized operations within large school districts and inadequate resources in small districts have led to the fragmentation of PD.
- PD often is expensive, but there are few tools to document its cost and yield.
- PD is not linked to teacher evaluation or ongoing policies of accountability for student performance.
- Section III discusses PD that focuses on improving the effectiveness of individual teachers.
- Section IV discusses PD that focuses on building school capacity to identify and solve problems of teaching and learning.
- Section V discusses PD that focuses on supporting the implementation of curricula, assessments, and other programs adopted by the district."
Study Design. The study focused specifically on the "learning communities" professional development series that was implemented in the final year of the NJ MSP initiative, from July 2005 to May 2006. Purposes of the study were to (1) describe the design rationale, goals, and objectives of the ECE component; (2) describe the level of district participation in the ECE professional development series and the characteristics of participating districts; (3) describe the implementation structure of the professional development series; (4) provide evidence on the ways in which NJ MSP met its ECE professional development objectives for improving teachers' knowledge of the exploration of math and science content, improving teachers' dispositions towards math and science, and equipping teachers with strategies to assess and support the translation of science content into the learning environment; and (5) offer lessons learned from the NJ MSP ECE component that may serve to inform other initiatives that seek to build teachers' capacity to translate math and science concepts into preK learning environments.
Each attempt to estimate the impact of the MMP on teachers and students, however, share a common, underlying hypothesis: MMP activities, e.g., teacher professional development are impacting teacher mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), which is in turn impacting classroom practice, leading to improved student achievement. This paper steps away from the prior HLM analyses and explores these relationships using structural equation modeling techniques.
The path model proposed by this paper hypothesizes relationships between teacher education, teacher experience, professional development hours, mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), classroom practice, and student achievement (see Figure 1). We hypothesize that education, experience, and professional development hours are predictors of MKT and classroom practice. We further hypothesize that MKT and classroom practice are predictors of student achievement.
Given the exploratory nature of this work, the purpose of this paper is to present the results from an initial attempt to apply path analysis techniques to the problem of linking MMP activities to teacher performance and student achievement. We expect this work will be refined in the remaining years of the MMP evaluation. As such, in addition to presenting the results from this work, recommendations for improving the path model, as well as the implications of this work for evaluation are offered.
NOTE: This resource is published on the Springer web site. The link above will take you to an abstract page. To view the full-text for this article, you will need to either sign-in to Springer with the appropriate membership or purchase this article.
Using data from students, teachers, and schools participating in a large study of comprehensive school reform, and using novel measures that capture both common and specialized mathematical knowledge for teaching, we explore the degree to which teachers' mathematical knowledge contributes to gains in student achievement. We find a positive effect of teacher mathematical knowledge on first and third graders' gain scores. We investigate the linearity of this relationship, discuss other findings from our models, and suggest implications for policy, professional development, and further research."
Prepared by the Causal Inference in Instructional Workforce Research MSP Project.
- The focus:
- Did our research design produce student achievement results above those expected from no additional activity?
- Did a focus on TEXTEAMS with teacher follow-up produce higher mathematics achievement?
- Does the data support these assumptions?
Results from the first four years of focused professional development offered to the mathematics teachers of the partners have been examined. Offerings were based on the Texas Teachers Empowered for Achievement in Mathematics and Science (TEXTEAMS) and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). In addition to the workshops, the AIMS Mathematics Specialists have provided coaching, mentoring, lesson modeling, curriculum alignment, lesson planning, teaching strategies, and learning styles. Grade specific sessions have been offered to improve workshop application and adaptations.
Preliminary data indicates increases in the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) percentage passing as well as in actual numbers of students passing at the met standard percentage. Passing percentages from area districts and the region have been examined to determine the effects of the focus professional development. The panel recommendation passing percentages were collected to provide a common passing score basis for all years.
Comparisons of Year One and Year Four data indicates all partner districts increased in passing percentages ranging from 8% to 24% for the sum of all grades tested. Only two districts had decreases when examining individual grade level percentages. Individual details will be provided in tables. Each district's data allows the cohorts of students to be followed as they move from grade to grade. The overall trend appears to be increases in the numbers passing, the percent passing, or in both. Enrollment in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and all pre-calculus courses (pre-calculus, statistics, etc.) has increased. Because of the amount of data, details and data tables will be provided in the full paper.
PLCs that bridge research and practice
...preliminary analyses suggest positive effects of participation in M2 on a range of teacher outcomes, including ratings of preparedness and confidence, philosophy of mathematics teaching and learning, instructional emphasis, use of assessment, and professional interaction among mathematics teachers. A handful of differences in outcomes were found for teachers from Lincoln Public Schools and those with different levels of undergraduate mathematics coursework and teaching experience. Analysis of student mathematics achievement data indicated both positive and negative effects of teacher participation in M2, which were small after controlling for a range of student characteristics. Examination of teacher-level factors that contributed to student achievement outcomes showed mixed effects."
Teacher Leaders can have a significant influence by assisting teachers in building their mathematical and pedagogical knowledge. Leaders (especially Mathematics Specialists) face the challenge of changing the emphasis of the conversation among teachers from "activities that work" to the analysis of practice [1].Enhancing mathematics instruction to facilitate mathematical proficiency requires us to develop and design the best lessons possible, but we must continue to learn from our own lessons as well."
Data are drawn primarily from two sources: 1) pre- and post-program surveys of VIP's Biology Cohort and 2) classroom observations of a sample of VIP's Matter and Energy/Earth Space Systems Cohort. Data collected through other means, such as teacher evaluations of VIP-sponsored conferences and summer institutes, a focus group of Biology Cohort teachers, and a survey of Master Science Teachers (MSTs) reinforce findings from the survey and observations. The discussion of inquiry and factors influencing teacher change has broad applicability to other projects embarking on educational reform."
In this paper, we complete the summative stage of the validity argument approach, then use our experiences to reflect on the validity argument as a method. We begin by evaluating the inferences and assumptions of the interpretive argument for the MKT measures. Then we examine both the form and the structure of the interpretive argument for the MKT measures with an eye to generalizations that can be made to other efforts to construct interpretive arguments. Finally we will attempt to draw some reasonable generalizations and conclusions concerning the summative stage."
Research Questions
"To assist NSF and the Math-Science Partnerships toward the goal of improving methods of evaluating the professional development models for improving teacher knowledge and skills, the study team designed a three-year empirical study to demonstrate and test an objective, reliable methodology for measuring the quality of professional development activities. The study data are being analyzed to measure the effects teacher professional development opportunities on improving the quality of instruction in mathematics and science education. More specifically, the study has three main research questions: To what extent is the quality of the professional development supported by MSP activities consistent with research-based definitions of quality? What effects do teachers' professional development experiences have on instructional practices and content taught in math and science classes? Are high-quality professional development activities more likely than lower-quality activities to increase the alignment of instructional content with state standards and assessments?"
preexisting beliefs and attitudes about what constitute effective methods for science teaching and learning (Banilower, Trygstad, and Smith, 2015; Trygstad, Smith, Banilower, and Nelson, 2013). The Framework and NGSS describe a vision for science education in which students will primarily learn science concepts by engaging in SEPs. Students are to generate and interpret evidence and develop explanations through sustained investigations, all while increasing their
capacity to direct all aspects of the process over time (National Research Council, 2012). This contrasts with the current state of science education in many classrooms, in which students primarily learn concepts through direct instruction with occasional reinforcement through engagement in SEPs (Banilower et al., 2015). According to results from the 2012 National Survey of Mathematics and Science Education (Banilower et al., 2013), around 60% of teachers believe that hands-on experimentation should reinforce concepts students have already learned, 40-50% of teachers believe that they should explain a concept to students before the students consider evidence related to the concept, and 90% of teachers believe that
vocabulary should come before conceptual understanding. Interventions to support teachers in adopting NGSS-aligned standards will need to take into account that many educators' beliefs may not align with the notion of consistently teaching science content through SEPs, as envisioned by authors of the Framework and NGSS.
In a number of studies, self-efficacy of pre-service teachers has been correlated to high quality instructional practices in the classroom. Studies have also shown that content courses that focus on pedagogy or how to teach content have been successful in raising pre-service teachers' efficacy levels (Appleton, 1995; Palmer, 2001). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether levels of personal or outcome efficacy can be affected in practicing teachers by simply increasing the level of basic content knowledge. Self-efficacy data of 88 teachers in math and science were examined to discern the level of self-efficacy after taking content courses; the difference in self-efficacy between teachers who took four or more courses versus those who took less; and then through a qualitative lens to examine the characteristics of teachers with high self-efficacy.
Therefore, this year the evaluation team of the MMP made a concerted effort to assess the validity of our self-report data. Two approaches were taken to attain this goal: (1) A global approach that utilized all schools in the district that participated in the quantitative evaluation efforts; and (2) A case-study approach that only made use of schools that participated in the qualitative evaluation efforts. For the global approach, overall indicators of the quality and quantity of a school’s participation in MMP related activities obtained from the self-report survey data were compared to ratings obtained from the district level Mathematics Teaching Specialists (MTS) assigned to that school. For the case-study approach, an attempt was made to triangulate the self-report survey data obtained with other external criteria in a subset of schools targeted to participate in more in-depth intensive evaluation efforts. The primary purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology utilized and report the findings for both of these approaches to assess the validity of our data."
Professional learning communities (PLCs) have become a popular mechanism for improving teaching and learning in the K-12 STEM topics. What factors should be considered in determining whether or not to use PLCs, the appropriate structure and composition of PLCs, necessary knowledge and skills for quality facilitation, and how to ensure teacher and administrative buy-in and support of PLCs? The MSP-Knowledge Management and Dissemination (KMD) project is pleased to announce the publication of a series of reviews from research and practice in the area of K-12 STEM professional learning communities. The knowledge reviews provide guidance to those who design or support STEM PLCs. By following the link below, you will have an opportunity to learn from the information related to five topics:
- Involving STEM Disciplinary Faculty in Deepening Teacher/Teacher Leader Content Knowledge Posted 4/21/09
- Selecting for Success: Identifying STEM Disciplinary Faculty for Involvement in MSPs, Coming soon Orienting STEM Faculty for Involvement in MSPs Posted 5/21/09
- Ensuring Initial and Ongoing STEM Disciplinary Faculty Participation in MSPs Posted 6/18/09
- Orienting STEM Faculty for Involvement in MSPs Posted 7/22/2009
- Supporting and Scaffolding STEM Faculty for Involvement in MSPs Posted 8/20/09
- Teacher leaders providing classroom support to teachers through demonstration lessons/modeling Posted 1/25/08
- Teacher leaders providing classroom support to teachers through lesson planning Posted 2/29/08
- Teacher leaders designing and facilitating professional development for teachers Posted 4/3/08
- Teacher leaders supporting the implementation of instructional materials Posted 5/7/08
- Teacher leaders providing leadership to teams of teachers and administrators Posted 6/12/08
- Teacher leaders working with principals Posted 7/24/08
- Developing knowledge and skills for teacher leadership Posted 9/17/08
- Structuring the preparation of teacher leaders Posted 10/29/08
- Providing classroom release time for teacher leaders Posted 12/10/08
- Selecting teacher leaders Posted 2/3/08
- Teacher Knowledge of Challenging Mathematics/Science Content Posted 12/17/07
- Teacher Knowledge of Student Thinking Posted 1/14/08
- Defining Teacher Content Knowledge Posted 2/18/08
- Engaging Teachers in Content-based Investigations Posted 3/20/08
- Teacher Knowledge: Use of Student Instructional Materials Posted 4/16/08
- Teacher Knowledge: Developing Conceptual Maps of Content Posted 7/03/08
- Teacher Knowledge: Analyzing Classroom Instruction Posted 8/27/08
- Professional Development to Deepen Teacher Content Knowledge: Understanding the Needs of the Target Audience Posted 10/8/08
- Professional Development to Deepen Teacher Content Knowledge: Program Design Posted 11/20/08
- Professional Development to Deepen Teacher Content Knowledge: Implementation Posted 1/06/09
- Ensuring that Enhancing Teacher Content Knowledge Leads to Improved Classroom Practice Posted 3/18/09